Your Guide To Do It Yourself Manicure
January 11, 2017

Nothing cheers a woman up like a nice session at the Nail Salon. Going for a Manicure and Pedicure is the ultimate treat, but when time and money are in short supply, a DIY manicure is your next best bet. So here’s how to get fabulous hands when on a shoestring budget.Manicure

STEP-1:  Clean your nails.

Make sure your nails are polish-free by using a non-acetone nail polish remover.  Acetone weakens nails. To have strong nails, stay polish-free for at least a week per month. The secret to a long lasting manicure is absolutely clean nails. Use a nail cutter and file to shape your tips to the size and shape you want. Smooth the surface of your nails with a nail buffer, which will also get out the yellowish pigmentation you get from wearing too much polish. Also, always do your manicures while sitting on a table rather than lounging on the couch. Sitting in the proper posture increases precision and efficiency.

STEP-2: Soak

Soak your hands in a bowl of warm water and a little olive oil for two to three minutes. For exfoliation, use a hand or body scrub. Rub it all over your hands and rinse thoroughly. It will leave behind skin as soft as silk. Pat dry

STEP-3: Cuticle Care

First, soften your cuticles by rubbing some oil onto them. Then, gently push them back using a cuticle pusher. Now, grab a moisturizer packed with vitamins and apply it on generously. Before moving on, clean the nail beds with cotton wool soaked in nail polish remover to get squeaky clean nails.

STEP-4: Don’t Forget the Base Coat

It is absolutely imperative to put on a layer of base coat to smooth out any ridges on your nails and create the perfect surface for your polish to stick on to. Avoid this and you’ll end up with disturbing streaks in your nail paint.

STEP-5: The Polish

Apply two to three coats of your preferred nail colour with light-handed strokes. But remember to allow each coat to dry completely before putting on the next one. Hold the brush midcap, not from the top, to have more control. To do it professionally, which is kind of the whole point, apply the colour down the center of a nail, then proceed to either sides. Try to apply as thin a coat as possible, to make it dry faster. Never blow on wet polish, because it creates moisture bubbles that lead to chipping later on. Let it dry out naturally, on its own. Be patient and precise while painting your nails.

STEP-6: The Top Coat   

A top coat does more than just protecting your nail colour and giving it a longer stay. It smoothes away any flaws in the nail paint, which is often really necessary. Just one thin coat solves all problems of unevenness. To instantly brighten up your nails between two manicure sessions, add another layer of top coat. It is a lifesaver, truly.