How To Keep Those Wrinkles At Bay
July 02, 2017

Having perfect skin all the way from infancy to old age is nothing short of a dream. Those who are blessed with this destiny are extremely fortunate. But for the rest of us, there are some simple tips and tricks to avoid and deal with the skin issues that develop as the years roll by and we get older. Do not fear the wrinkles or the dryness- everything can be taken care of!

1. Honey

Directions: Take two tablespoons of honey and apply it on your face like a face mask. Allow it to stay for 15-20 minutes. Wash it off with cold water.

Pure honey is the perfect remedy for ageing skin as it contains anti-oxidants. It is the best natural rejuvenator and moisturiser.

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2. Yogurt

Directions: Take two tablespoons of yogurt, one tablespoon of honey, and ¼ tablespoon of turmeric. Mix well and apply it on your face. Let it stay till it dries. Then wash it off with water. 

The lactic acid in yogurt tightens the skin, while the vitamins and minerals keep your face fresh and hydrated.

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3. Almonds and Milk

Directions: Grind soaked almonds and mix them in milk. Apply it on your face and let it stay for 20-25 minutes. Wash it off with cold water.

Milk prevents your skin from drying and acts like a moisturizer. Almonds, rich in vitamin C, help to hydrate the skin and bring the glow back.

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4. Potato Juice

Directions: Grate the potatoes and squeeze the juice out. Use cotton to apply this juice on your face. Rinse it after 15 minutes. 

It may sound bizarre, but potato juice is an amazing cure for tanned, wrinkly, and dull skin. Potatoes, also rich in vitamin C, replenish the moisture and hydrate the skin.

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5. Papaya

Directions: Make a smooth paste out of a ripe papaya and apply it on your face and neck. Let it stay for 10 minutes. Then rinse it off with cold water.

If your grandmother has been telling you to use papaya on your face since you were a teenager, we can assure you she had her reasons. Papayas are full of antioxidants and also contain a special enzyme called papain that repairs dead cells and cleanses skin impurities. Additionally, it helps in regenerating cells. In no time, your face will begin to glow. 

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Furthermore, you can prepare and drink these delicious smoothies for radiant and refreshed skin. So spare some time, take a trip to your kitchen, and begin to look and feel young again!

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